What to Wear | Engagement Session Outfit Color Palettes + Ideas

Hey guys! Hope you've all had a great holiday season and a happy new year! In Puerto Rico Christmas begins right after Thanksgiving and in some areas it ends about 8 days after Three Kings Day, which is on January 6th. I've been busy working on some new content for you guys, and I've been adventuring a little more into Pinterest lately. During Christmas I offered Mini-Sessions for families and was asked a whole lot 'what should we wear?", so I decided I would be working on some clothing sets on Polyvore and posting them onto Pinterest. Here are the first couple Sets I've made, they're mainly for Engagement Sessions but Family Sessions are coming soon, so be on the lookout for more very soon!

Saludos! Espero que todos hayan tenido unas bonitas Navidades y un Feliz Año Nuevo! Ya que regresamos de vacaciones de Navidad, he estado trabajando muchas cositas nuevas para ustedes y me he aventurado a utilizar Pinterest. Durante las Navidades ofrecí mini-sesiones fotográficas y lo más que se me preguntaba era "que debemos ponernos?", así que, decidí crear unos sets de ropa en Polyvore y compartirlas atravez de Pinterest. Aquí adjunto los primeros dos set's, estos son de Love Story pero ya pronto estaré añadiendo los de Familia. Espero que les ayude!